Suggested Readings

Richard and Jean Symonds, Medalta Stoneware and Pottery for Collectors, Symco Distributors, 1974. 55 pp.

Bill Borgwardt, “Discovering Medalta,” Dig & Pick, Vol. 1, No. 3, September/October 1975.

Marylu Antonelli, “Medalta Pottery,” Canadian Collector, Vol 11, No. 1, pp. 71-73, January/February 1976.

Marylu Antonelli and Jack Forbes, Pottery in Alberta, The Long Tradition, The University of Alberta Press, 1978. 189 pp.

Bill Borgwardt, “Medalta and other Pottery from Alberta,” CanadiAntiquer, April 1979. (Reprinted in Dig & Pick, Vol. 5, Nos. 1 & 2, Fall 1979.)

Ronald Getty and Ester Klaiman, “Identifying Medalta, 1916-1954: A Guide to Markings,” Material History Bulletin 12, pp. 17-60, Spring 1981.

Ronald Getty and Jack Forbes, “Alberta Pottery: An Overview of the Pottery Industry in the Medicine Hat/Redcliff Area of Southern Alberta, 1912-1981,” Canadian Antiques and Art Review, Vol. 3, No. 22, pp. 26-30, October 1981.

Ronald Getty, “Medalta’s Art Wares,” Canadian Collector Vol 17, No. 5., pp. 51-55, September/October 1982.

Ronald Getty, “The Medicine Hat and the Alberta Potteries,” Material History Bulletin 16, pp. 31-39, Winter 1982.

Ronald Getty, Medalta’s Advertising Premiums and Named Hotelwares, Privately printed by the author, 1993. 191 pp.

Ronald Getty, The Kilns of Southeastern Alberta, The Friends of Medalta Society, Medicine Hat, 1994. 79 pp

W. G. Worcester, Clay Resources of Saskatchewan

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