Description: Know your Stamps

Glaze or Oxide Stamps

This was the first stamp used by Medalta. It is found in blue or dark blue and red. Sometimes the dark blue is so dark it appears to be black and perhaps some were in fact in black. Clear stampings are hard to find, and the red stamp is the rarest, but when you find one it is usually clearer than the dark blue stamp. The date range is based on the fact that other Medalta Stoneware stamps replaced it and at the same time the style of the number giving the gallon size changed as well. Note that the name Stone Ware on this stamp is two words, not one as are the later Stoneware stamps.

This is a specialized stamp used only to mark the Purity water filter. It has been seen only in dark blue. Since it has not been possible to determine when the water filter first went into production is has been given the broadest range. Ones produced after 1924 were effectively marked with the same stamp, with Medalta Stoneware Ltd. being changed to Medalta Potteries Ltd. (see stamp G.8).

This stamp, observed only in dark blue, is presumably the second one used by Medalta. It is placed here as the next stamp is more similar to the first of the Medalta Potteries Ltd. stamps. Also, the numerals to mark the gallon size are more similar to the earlier ones than the later ones. I have overlapped the date of this stamp with G-1 and the G-4 varieties as it has not been possible to pin down the dates when one replaced the other.

This variation, observed only in dark blue, differs from the next variety in that the line under the word STONEWARE covers “NEWARE” rather than just “WARE”. Also, there is a short line above the “WA” (sometimes blotted), and the word “ALBERTA” at the bottom is closer to and appears to follow the curve of the oval. It is the longer underlining and following the curvature of the oval that suggests this stamp is the one used after G.3, but admittedly I cannot be sure as very few samples of this variation have been observed.

This variation is one of the commonest ones suggesting that it was in use for a longer period of time then the other varieties. Only dark blue stamps have been observed so far.

This variation, also only found in dark blue, differs from the others in not having any underlining in the word STONEWARE, the lettering being thinner or more delicate, and the oval being more elongated. Stylistically it is very similar to the next stamp G.5.a which is the Medalta Potteries Ltd. version of this one. Both of these stamps are found on what is known as the “string line” crocks; called this as they have an embossed ridge encircling the crock just a few inches down from the rim. The string line crocks are the ones shown in the 1924 Medalta catalogue, and we know that they were not in use for too many years as they are not found in the imperial sizes.

Based on the similarity of this stamp to the preceding one and its presence on the string line crocks, I believe this stamp was the first of the Medalta Potteries Ltd. ones. I suggest 1927 as a closing date as Medalta had replaced its American wine measure crocks with imperial sizes by then.

G.5.b to f
There are at least five variations of the main oval-shaped Medalta Potteries Ltd. stamp, the differences due to underlining and punctuation marks. The stamp is found in a variety of colours depending on the products it is on. Dark blue to black are the common ones but reddish-brown is also fairly easy to find. The white stamp is much rarer and is often found on a cobalt blue or black background. I suspect that the use of this stamp was largely discontinued around 1940 as the majority of items exhibiting it are also found with later stamps on them. The date has been left open for now as some of the stoneware products - water coolers, pickle crocks, butter crocks and churns - have not been seen with later stamps on them although they were available right through to 1954. It might have remained in use until 1954, limited to use on the large stoneware items. I do think that the punctuation varieties may turn out to be a good date indicator, but for now, I cannot pin them down except to say they are later than the others.

The date range of this stamp is not yet known as it only appears on one-gallon jugs. The stamp is undoubtedly early as it is done in the dark blue to black oxide and it is often poorly executed. For the most part, it is found on jugs that have the dark brown glazed top rather than the reddish-brown top, and the dark brown is another indicator of early vintage. One collector told me that someone who worked at the Medalta plant had advised him that this stamp was used by Medalta Stoneware Ltd., and I would not be surprised that it was even though I originally thought it dated no earlier than 1930. I would now say that its use was discontinued before 1930.

The date range of this stamp is not known, but an early date is suggested by it having the same features as the previous stamp. It is found on 3 sizes of jugs (1/2, 1 and 2 gallons), crocks and bed warmers. The bed warmers and jugs usually have dark brown ends or tops, but I have seen a jug with a reddish-brown top. At present, there is no way of knowing whether this stamp or G.6 is earlier in date. My guess is that G.7 replaced the G.6 stamp.

The Medalta Potteries Ltd. variety of the Purity water filter stamp presumably replaced the G.2 stamp. It is assigned a date through to 1954 as the water filter was available the whole time and no other stamps have been observed on this product, but admittedly the sample size is too small to be sure. I have seen only two of them.

This stamp found in black and white oxides is mainly observed on products introduced in the early 1930s, and it has been found on several souvenir pieces firmly dated to 1932. I have extended the range back to 1926 as it is regularly found on Medalta’s embossed yellow bowl which was introduced that year. It is usually in black oxide. One of our informants told us that the date was sometimes placed in the center of the stamp. While no date has been seen, other numbers have been recorded. The first was “104/1100” (the vase and decoration number) and the second was the number “20” which I believe was also a decoration number, not a date.

This is a product stamp found only on Medalta’s egg beater jar. A letter dated 30 December 1926 states that they are looking forward to receiving the egg beater jar being sent to them. Another letter dated 20 January 1938 states that it has not been made for several years and that no moulds are on hand, but they made a few new moulds two days later. The beater jar is usually found with encircling blue bands above and below the blue wording, but it can be found without the bands. Could it be that the unbanded jars were the new ones made in 1938 or later?

This is another specialized stamp, limited in use to the ice water jar. I have suggested 1930 for the starting date as ice water jars have been found with several of the G.5 stamps on them, but not any of the later stamps. Presumably this stamp was used right through to 1954 as ice water jars were one of Medalta’s mainstays.

The stamp has only been observed on the side of a miniature crock, and for that reason cannot yet be dated to a specific year. That it is early is inferred by its design which is similar to G.6 and by the other stamps where the name “Medalta” is found alone. Half a dozen of Medalta’s advertising items dating to the late twenties have the slogans within a bordering single or double rectangle.

G.13.a and G.13.b
In retrospect, it might have been better to give each of these stamps its own number as they are different in their wording. The first variety only states “MEDALTA” while the other also has the words “MADE IN CANADA” below the company’s name. Both varieties have been seen only in white oxide so far. The “a” variety has been found on a polar bear and one of Medalta’s first lamp bases while the “b” variety has appeared only on the buffalo figurine. I believe this stamp or method of identifying the item as one made by Medalta to be an early way of marking the piece. The date range is based on the bear and buffalo first being introduced in 1930. Also, the hand lettering is similar to that used for advertising and souvenir slogans dated to the early 1930s.

This stamp is found in two discreet sizes. The smaller one is only 2.0 cm long while the other is 2.6 cm in length. The larger size is the same length as the impressed stamp M.7 and the “MEDALTA” part of the G.32 stamp. The date range is broad at present due to the small sample size. It has only been found on two lamp bases, a miniature unhandled chamber pot, the small round matchbox holder ashtray, the two-piece ashtray and a blood testing dish. The lamps were both introduced in 1938, the matchbox ashtray came out in 1934, the two-piece ashtray is a coronation commemorative dating to 1937 and the blood testing dish is mentioned in a letter dated July 1940. The miniature cannot be pinned down in date.

So far it has shown up only in black oxide, but the sample size is presently very small. It is one of Medalta’s stamps that is fairly hard to find. This stamp has been observed on Medalta’s wall plaque, the large size of its early lamp, a 10" high No. 104 vase, a miniature chamber pot and a miniature jug. Several of these products, the wall plaque and lamp, were first introduced in 1930 suggesting the date range for this stamp. In my opinion, it was in use for a very short period of time, perhaps only in 1930. This stamp was placed on the side of the miniatures and undoubtedly served to advertise Medalta’s products. Both miniatures could well have been factory giveaways.

G.16.a and G.16.b
All examples have been executed in black oxide. The difference between the two variations is relatively minor with the placement of the name Medicine Hat being slightly different, and it is probably accounted for by the variation that one finds between two orders of rubber stamps. The best indication of the date of this pair of stamps comes from finding it on Medalta’s early artwares, including its first small lamp and three different styles of vases. At least one of them is a handmade vase. It has also shown up on the cracker box, trivet, rope handle style of cookie jar and the plain round flat ashtray. The ashtray and trivets are advertising pieces that appear to date to 1935 and 1936 respectively. The cracker boxes advertising Ogilvie’s products have not been accurately dated as yet, but the cracker box was first introduced in 1932. Perhaps the date range can be narrowed in time, but I am not too hopeful as it is a fairly uncommon stamp.

This stamp is effectively the same as G.16 except that the name Medicine Hat has been dropped. As only two examples of this stamp have been seen, it cannot be accurately placed other than to say it must be around the same time as the named varieties. It was on a seven-inch high style No. 104 vase which by its splattered lacquer decoration dates to the early 1930s and a lacquered finished buffalo dating to about 1931.

This stamp is effectively the same as the next one except the lettering of the second line is in upper and lower case rather than all upper case. So far it has only been found on a polar bear and a 12" high No. 104 vase finished with the swallow over lily pads decoration.

The measurement from “M” to “D.” in MEDALTA POTTERIES LTD., varies from 5.2 to 5.6 cm., and several varieties have been seen including one without the period after “LTD” and/or a comma after “HAT”. These variations could well be poor stampings or flaws in the rubber stamp. At present they are not considered important. The stamp can be found by itself or in association with others, particularly G.22 or G.23 - the maple leaf and G.20 - Made in Canada. The initial date is based on the stamp commonly being found on products and/or decorations first introduced in the early 1930s such as the handpainted tankard pitchers, wall plaques, buffalo, polar bear and style Nos. 104 and 112 vases. It has not been found on any products introduced after 1932 and therefore it has been given a fairly narrow date range.

This stamp found in both black and white oxides is usually found in association with other stamps, but not always. It has been found alone and as such often goes unrecognized as a Medalta stamp. Alone it has been found on the hand-painted tankard pitcher, casserole plate, large cookie jar and vase No. 101. Once again the products on which it is found all date to the early 1930s.

This stamp found in black oxide is not well dated as it appears on a limited number of products mainly crocks, jugs and foot warmers. It also appears as an advertisement on the side of miniature chamber pots and miniature jugs. The suggested starting date is based on the stamp appearing on round-top vinegar jugs which were first recorded in the stock ledger in 1931. As to the end date, it has been left open for now even though I believe this stamp was in use for only a few years. This stamp is not too common, and if it was used over a long period of time one would expect to see it more often.

There are two varieties of this stamp, a large and a small one. I have given them separate numbers as the large one appears to be more limited in use than the small one. The stamp is found alone and in combination with the G.19 stamp. It has been found on the handpainted globe-style teapots, teapot trivets, tankard-style pitchers and the 104 vases. The best indication of the closing date of 1932 comes from the tankard pitcher which was discontinued that year. If I had to guess as to why Medalta stopped using this stamp, I would say it was because of its size. It is really quite an attractive one and invariably it came out quite clear, but on the bottom of a 1-pint pitcher, it surely filled the space! There is no correlation between the size of the stamp and the size of the pitcher; the large stamp is just as likely to be on a 1-pint pitcher as on a 2 pint one.

The small maple leaf stamp is found on the same products as the large maple leaf, and many more including the flat ashtray, beer stein, icewater pitcher, wall plaque, Churchill jug, candlestick and seven styles of vases. The Churchill jug and several of the vases, introduced as new products in 1941, show the length of time this stamp was in use. When this stamp is found in gold oxide, the piece probably dates after 1940. The ones using a black oxide appear to have been used throughout the date range.

This stamp and the next one are obviously related, differing only in the wording in the middle of the maple leaf; one simply says “Canada” the other “Made in Canada”. In turn, it is probably safe to say that all the maple leaf varieties are related and close to one another in date. This and the next stamp are difficult to date as they are found on so few products. This variety has appeared on the lug-handled casserole, ice water pitcher, Elite sugar bowl, baby plate, large platter and rarebit dish.

This stamp has been seen less often than G.24, but both are in fact quite hard to find. It has been found on the Cyma pitcher, Elite creamer and rarebit dish. I think that this stamp and its mate G.24 may have been in use before the next two stamps, G.26 and G.27, but my reason for saying so is based on nothing more than the seeming popularity of each pair of stamps. They are seen on products far less often than the next pair of stamps. Perhaps Medalta did not like the overall design of the first pair and quickly replaced them with the new pair.

G.26.a and G.26.b
This pair and the following stamp also are obviously related. In this stamp, the difference between the a and b variety is the size of the lettering on the lower curve, one is notably smaller than the other. In my opinion, though, this is not useful as a time indicator; it is only the difference that can occur from one order of rubber stamps to the next. The stamp is found on products coming out after 1936 such as the Cyma pitcher (1937), the Elite sugar and creamer (1938), ice water pitcher and tumblers set and a variety of hotel china pieces. On dated items, it has been found on the 1939 bowl advertising Toshach’s shoes and a flat ashtray celebrating the 50th anniversary of the I.O.O.F. in Alberta. At present it has only been found on one of Medalta’s artwares, the No. 1 vase.

This stamp is found on the same range of products as the G.26 stamps. In fact, you can sometimes find the same advertising item with one of the two stamps. The Toshach bowl is one such example, showing that both stamps were in use at the same time. This stamp has been found on more artwares, including the No. 1 vase, No. 23 jardiniere and No. 71 vase.

I have dated this stamp a bit later than the other maple leaf varieties as it is found on artwares that were introduced in 1939 or later. So far it has shown up on eleven different products, two of the vases that were designed in 1941. The suggestion is there that this stamp followed the other maple leaf varieties, but I would like to see a little more evidence before drawing that conclusion. It is one of the hard-to-find maple leaf stamps.

This is also a rare Medalta stamp found on only a few products thereby making it difficult to accurately date it. The presence of the maple leaf suggests a time period near the other maple leaf stamps, but just where it fits in the succession, if indeed these stamps replaced one another, is not known at present. The items it is found on are of little help. They include the miniature crock, stoneware jam jar, round flat ashtray and the Old French Church picnic set. Only the picnic set is well-dated to May 1938, and my guess is that this stamp was used for only a short time around then. On the miniature crock, the stamp served as an advertisement since it was on the side and not the bottom as for the other products.

G.30.a and G.30.b
One variety of this stamp has shown up. It is one without “Medicine Hat” in the center, but so far it is a single occurrence found on a miniature crock. The main stamp is frequently found on advertising items that Medalta produced, particularly the round flat ashtray, and almost all of them have been dated to 1936 or 1937. A few might date to late 1935. The other products it has appeared on are the horseshoe-shaped ashtray, gourd ashtray, matchbox ashtray, teapot trivet or stand, machine-made mixing bowl and the old style beer stein.

This stamp and the next one, G.32, a variety of it, are found only on the stetson-shaped ashtray. It was one of the few products for which Medalta took out a registered design, and this stamp was designed to show that. It remained in use for at least 20 years. Ashtrays made after 1948 are marked with one of the “Vitrified” stamps rather than this one, but one advertising ashtray dating to 1948 had both stamps on it. The starting date of 1936 is once again based on when this product was first designed.

This stamp differs from the one above in that the lettering is larger and that it seems to have been two separate rubber stamps as the “Reg’d Design” is sometimes well removed from the word “Medalta”. The word Medalta in this stamp measures 2.6 cm. while the G.31 variety is only 1.8 cm. in length. One of the busiest years for Medalta producing advertising, souvenir and commemorative hat ashtrays was in 1937. It seems that everyone wanted one or, if not the stetson hat, the flat round ashtray. The sales records show that well over 100 different orders were placed, but until actual products are seen one cannot tell which ashtray was ordered as both styles sold for the same price, $21.50 for a gross or about 15 cents each. What is interesting, though, is that all seven of the hat ashtrays with this particular stamp variation are either dated 1937 or found in the 1937 sales records.

There are more variations than the one I have included, but they are so minor that one can only pick them up with the greatest of care. And I must admit that I did not really look for variations or spend the time recording them. They are all either slight differences in the size or configuration of the lettering, and as far as I can tell only what you would expect to find each time a new batch of rubber stamps was made. This is perhaps the most common of all Medalta’s rubber stamps. It can be found on some of the smaller stonewares, most of the artwares, the domestic wares and even some of the hotel china. It was definitely in use by 1939 as it is on a dated advertising item from that year. Other dated pieces are found for 1940, 1941, 1944 and probably 1949. The 1949 piece could date a year or two earlier. Perhaps this stamp was abandoned when Medalta introduced its dated stamps in 1951, but as I cannot be sure the date range has been left open.

This stamp is basically the same design as G.33 with the addition of the word “Vitrified” at the bottom. It is a rarely seen stamp which, so far, has been found only on the flared base coffee mug and the mountain goat figurine. The date of initial production of that style of coffee mug is not yet known, but the mountain goat was being sold by February 1940. But I do not think it dates this early. The use of the word vitrified first shows up on other stamps which date from 1947 to 1954, and on that basis, I would date this stamp quite late. For now, though, the date has been left open. Hopefully, further examples will turn up to help pin it down.

Once again, this stamp is basically the same design as G.33, but in this case, the factory name and location have been split by a date. As it has been seen only on a plain white 9 1/2" dinner plate, the date range cannot be narrowed at present.

G.36.a and G.36.b,
This pair of stamps differ slightly in the diameter of the circle and the configuration and size of the lettering. In my opinion, the variation is normal and not useful for helping to narrow the date range any further. These stamps have appeared only on hotel china so far. I believe them to be one of the first stamps used to mark hotelwares, and there are two lines of evidence to suggest this. First of all, the clay used in making the products with these stamps on them often exhibits black specks due to iron impurities in it and it was not until 1939 that Medalta acquired a magnetic separator. The other evidence is the use of stilts instead of pins when stacking the plates for firing. From 1940 to 1941 Medalta switched from stilts to pins.

Very little is known about this stamp as it has only been seen on a Dominion cup and a coffee mug. Both items were plain white. Presumably, this stamp was only in use for a very short period of time, but just when that was is not known. In its wording, it is similar to G.36, so it might just turn out to be any early hotelware stamp.

G.38.a and G.38.b
The dated variation of this stamp has only been recorded on a single item so far. It had the month “APR” below the stamp. The main stamp was chiefly used on hotelwares but it has been found on some artwares, particularly the 500 series lamp bases. This series of lamps came into production in 1942 or later and all were made using Medalta’s white clay. The other two lamp bases it was on - No.424 and 430 - were introduced in 1940.

G.38.a and G.38.b
The dated variation of this stamp has only been recorded on a single item so far. It had the month “APR” below the stamp. The main stamp was chiefly used on hotelwares but it has been found on some artwares, particularly the 500 series lamp bases. This series of lamps came into production in 1942 or later and all were made using Medalta’s white clay. The other two lamp bases it was on - No.424 and 430 - were introduced in 1940.

This stamp is identical to G.38 except it has no surrounding square. As only a couple of examples have been seen on hotel china so far, it is not possible to say much about it.

G.40.a and G.40.b

There are two varieties of this not too common stamp; one with a surrounding rectangular border and one without the border. At present, I cannot determine which may have been used before the other, but the bordered variety is far more commonly found than the other. The month in the middle of the stamp probably included all twelve. So far I have seen all but February, September and October. The presence or absence of the border may only be a reflection of the stamp for a specific month. The January, June and July stamps have only been found unbordered, and the others only with the border. The sample size is small though and this could well change as more pieces are examined. The December marking was a bit different as I have seen “ D 6” and “DEC 6”. The G.40 stamps appear to be found on a very limited variety of products. The Saxon, Dominion and boullion cups; stacking coffee mug; 6, 7 and 9" dinner plates; and the toothpick holder are all recorded so far. Plain white and green band items are included along with a plate bearing the B.C. crest. Plates were also made for the Canadian National System and the Canadian Pacific B.C. Coast Steamship. In January 1941 Medalta was asked if they could copy the B.C. government crest, but just when they did so is not definitely known, although it was before 1946. What do the dates mean? Ed. Phillipson suggested to me that it had to do with quality control.
When things went wrong, Medalta wanted to know which batch it was and when it happened, so that they could check on the cause. I think it also may have had something to do with meeting the quotas set by the War Department. But whatever the reason, it seems to have been discontinued after the war.

This stamp is presumably related to G.40.b as it is the same stamp except that there is no month designation. It has only been found on one style of vase and a few hotelwares, so it cannot be placed in time except for its similarity to the one above. It has not been found on any named hotel china pieces or advertising items. The one vase it was found on is an unnumbered one, made using the white burning clay, which probably went into production after 1942.

This is a special stamp found only on the Winston Churchill toby jug. It probably was in use for only a couple of months while Medalta was waiting for approval of its registered design number found on its next stamp. A letter dated 6 February 1941 reads in part: "I am mailing copyright stamp today to you. This is to be substituted for the temporary stamp sent you at first on all production of the Churchill jug.”20 The first run of these jugs was in December 1940.

Just when Medalta stopped making the Churchill jug is not known, but I suspect it was by the end of WW II. This is the copyright stamp used on the Winston Churchill toby jug.

This is a specialized stamp used to mark hotel china made for Bell, Rinfret & Co. Ltd. I have no idea as to when it was in use, except for the fact that it was on hotel china. So far, it has only appeared on a white 10-inch plate and a rimmed soup. The plate shows stilt marks so it could turn out to be an early hotelware stamp, but a larger sample size is needed before any firm conclusions are drawn.

This stamp is a specialized one used to mark hotel china made for Cassidy’s Limited. It has been seen only on a turquoise rimmed soup and a cup. The only clue to its date comes from a letter in the Medalta files dated 5 May 1941 which shows an imprint of the stamp.

G.46.a and G.46.b
The two main varieties of this stamp differ in the diameter of the enclosing circle and the placement of the lettering. At present, I do not think that the differences are useful for narrowing the date range. This stamp is also found as an impressed one, M.29. Originally, I had tentatively dated this stamp from 1937 to 1943, but now I am convinced it was mainly used after the war. It is found on hotelwares but just

as commonly, or even more so, it is found on a large number of domestic and artware products including a couple of lamp bases and 16 styles of vases. The vases are all ones that came into production after 1942. The dated pieces it has been found on all date to 1944, but it was also on a piece made for the 34 S.F.T.S. (Service Flying Training School) in Medicine Hat, one of the WW II flying schools located in Alberta.

G.47.a and G.47.b
This stamp’s variations are once again one of size and placement of the lettering. It is sometimes found with a number (in various sizes) off to one side of the stamp. These numbers are explained under the G.51 stamp. The one variety, often found on bean pots, has the wording within the stamp compressed; it is noticeably much closer together. Again, I do not feel the differences are significant for refining the date range, but this pair of stamps is indeed useful to date bean pots, chicken fountain saucers and spittoons. It is one of the few stamps other than the G.5 series that is found on stonewares. It may date earlier than 1942, but as the four vases on which it has been found date to 1942 or later, I place it here.

The dated variety has only been seen once, and it was on an oval platter bearing the B.C. provincial crest. The month “APR” was located below the stamp, and it was probably a separate stamp as suggested by its alignment.

G.49.a and G.49.b
The dated variety has been found only on one item while the other has been seen on a good number of products, almost all of them hotelwares. The one exception was a 10-inch dinner plate in the “thumbprint” pattern, Medalta’s third dinnerware set made for use in the home. This pattern has a decorative, raised, joining circular pattern all around the rim, but just when it came out is not presently known, although it was probably at the end of or just after WW II. The dated variety, reading DEC, was on a green banded Ovide cup.

This stamp is not well dated as it has been seen on too few objects. So far it has only been found on vases which were initially produced sometime after 1942. At the earliest, I date it a few years later as Medalta was not making hardly any artwares during the war years.

This stamp has more variations than any other stamp. I finally gave up trying to record all of them as most do not help refine the date range. Two obviously are though - the ones where a date is found below the stamp. In addition, the variation with the number “502” in association with the stamp is also a dated variety, and it is actually found quite often. These three dated varieties have been assigned different stamp numbers, but the rest are still all lumped together. The variations that have been recorded, and there are probably others, include:

1. omission of the “IN”
2. omission of the “N” in “IN”
3. the numerals 1, 2, 3 and
4 found in various positions around the stamp - from right side up, to upside down, to sideways in relation to the main stamp. Another oval shape may be zero or an O.
4. letters and figures found around the stamp, also with various orientations, including C, V and a star. The Medalta employees who were asked about these variations could not shed any information on why they were used, but the products themselves might, at least for the numbered ones. One of the commonest products with the numbered varieties on them is the oval baker. It came in three sizes - 6, 9 and 12 oz. - and the 1 is found on the 6 oz., the 2 on the 9 oz. and the 3 on the 12 oz. On other products such as a saucer and a fruit saucer which had threes on them, I have no idea what it may have stood for. The only 4 which I have seen was also on a saucer for a cup.
This stamp is well-dated as it was introduced by Fred March who took over ownership of the Medalta plant in 1947. While this stamp is mainly found on hotel china, it does appear on a fairly wide variety of products including 3 styles of ashtrays, a spittoon, chamber pot, casserole, pie plate, Cypress pitcher, basket-weave teapot, syrup jug, jardiniere and 4 styles of vases.

G.52.a and G.52.b
1949 & 1950
This pair of stamps is the dated variety of the G.51 stamp. The date appears to be a separate stamp from the main one as the alignment and size of the date are not always the same. So far only 1949 and 1950 have been found, and the date has always been below the main stamp, but I would not be surprised if a 1948 one shows up. The reason for the dates is not presently known as they were not regularly applied. Some advertising hat ashtrays dated 1949 do not have the date below the stamp. Dated 1949 pieces include items made for the Canadian National Railway and the White Spot restaurant; 1950, the Canadian National Railway, Grant Hotel, and the Lingnan and Foodcraft restaurants.

A Medalta employee advised that “502” stood for the second half of 1950 - July to December. It was a means of quality control. of something went wrong and complaints came in, the staff would have some idea as to when it happened and perhaps could determine why. The stamp is found mainly on hotel china, but it has been seen on several vases with style numbers in the 600s and the hat ashtray.

This stamp is not found very often and is therefore hard to date with any degree of accuracy. It appears to follow G.51 as it simply says “Vitrified” (rather than “Vitrified Ware”) as on the dated stamps which follow from 1951 to 1954. Perhaps it is a variety of the dated 1954 stamp, but it is not just one where the 5 is missing as the 4 is not aligned correctly for that. I have placed it here with a broad date range as it could turn out to be a 1949 stamp. In time we will be able to date it firmly, as the plates made in 1954 are quite different from the ones made in the late 1940s. Only a larger sample size is needed.

This is the first of the dated vitrified stamps. In this year the date is found within a square border while the next three are just the year. It is predominantly found on hotelwares but it has shown up on the basket-weave mixing bowl and teapot, Cypress pitcher, syrup jug and 3 styles of ashtrays.

The date “52” can be found in several distinct sizes due to variability in the rubber stamps. Another variety that appears quite frequently - the one which has no 5 in front of the 2 - has been given a separate number. Once again it is a hotelware stamp that is found occasionally on other items such as the syrup jug and teapot trivet.

This stamp occurs so often that it has been assigned its own code number. In my opinion it is simply a faulty G.56 stamp as the 2 is in alignment where it should be.

This stamp is another variation of the G.56 stamp, only differing in having the pattern name at the bottom of the main Medalta stamp. While I have not yet seen many examples of this stamp, it appears to be a single stamp rather than a combination of G.56 and a separate stamp for the pattern name. So far it has only been found on the Dominion style of cup and accompanying saucer. The name CHARM presumably stands for the decorative band encircling the cups and rim of the saucers. The decorative band has been observed in both blue and brown colours, but I should also point out that I have seen at least one example of this pattern that did not have the CHARM stamp on the bottom.

So far no variations of this hotelware stamp have been noted, other than finding numerals associated with it as discussed under stamp G.51. It has been found on two styles of ashtrays, Jiffy dinner plates and style No. 128 jardinieres in addition to a wide range of hotelwares.

There are really no varieties of this stamp other than the presence of the associated numeral 2 that we have noted on other stamps. However, in this instance, the variety with the 2 seems to be the norm and an integral part of the stamp. The 2 is always in the top right-hand corner and it is not limited in use to the oval bakers. It is pretty well on everything. In fact, it is the one without the number two that is seldom seen. Once again it is found on a few products other than hotelwares such as the horseshoe-shaped ashtray and the No. 128 jardiniere.

G.61.a and G.61.b
The differences in the varieties are only one of size. That it is a Medalta stamp was confirmed by finding it on a “Ranchman’s Club” plate which was double stamped, but it is more often found alone. Besides hotelwares, it has been seen on two styles of ashtrays. Even though this is a late stamp, it is found on Medalta’s heavy hotelwares, not the thinner, theatre giveaway dishes that came out after 1952.

G.62.a and G.62.b
This is a specialized stamp for use only on hotelwares decorated with the “Mountain Trails” patterns. The only difference between the two noted varieties is the addition of the word “Canada” at the bottom of the stamp. It appears that “Canada” is a separate stamp from the main one as the alignment of the word varies from straight to slightly angular. This pattern of dishes, along with “Cattle Country” which also had its own stamp (G.63), came about when a family in Lethbridge had Medalta make these dishes for them. The attractive designs of a moose, ram, deer’s head, elk and squirrel were all by E.F. Hagell, a Lethbridge artist and a friend of the family. Pine cones and leaves complemented the animal scenes.

This specialized stamp was for use on hotelwares decorated with the “Cattle Country” patterns. The images, also by Hagell, included a branding scene with a mounted cowboy dragging a calf, crossed branding irons, cowboy boots with an encircling bullwhip, a bridle and reins and a saddle.

G.64.a and G.64.b
This specialized stamp was for use on hotel china made for the Wales Hotel of Calgary. Two variations have been observed; one without the numbers “5” and “4” and one where the numbers are on the left and right sides of the stamp. The 5 and 4, even though they are split, stand for the year 1954. The undated variety may just be a 1954 variation or it may have been in use the year before. The main designs include a cowboy roping a calf and a cowboy on a rearing horse. Associated designs such as those found on the rim of plates include “E [backward] E” arrow piercing both, “FD 9” in brand style, and “S” in brand style.

This is another specialized stamp used to identify the products made for the Harrison Hot Springs. It has been found only on products exhibiting the decorative geometric pattern that marked the products made for the Harrison Hot Springs.

G.66.a and G.66.b
This pair of stamps marked the specially designed deep plate or bowl that was used by Trans Canada Airlines, now Air Canada. The earliest record I have for this product is 1952, but it could well be earlier.

This stamp, another specialized one, was used to mark the hotelwares made for J.J. Supply of Edmonton. It appears that it only marked the items made for “Frankie’s” as it has not yet been seen on any other named hotelwares or on plainly decorated pieces. Frankie’s was located near the landmark oil derrick that caught your eye as you entered Edmonton from the south, and accordingly, the dinner plates depicted this derrick against an attractive blue.

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